
English Collocations
Collocation is the frequent use of two or more words together. A collocation is a word or phrase which is frequently used with another word or phrase, in a way that sounds correct to speakers of the language. For example, quick decision, fast train, rapid growth, talk big, take medicine, run the red light, make a plan, prepare lunch/dinner To speak or write English well, you must know as many collocations as possible. Generally speaking, there are no rules on the way words are collocated. You just have to memorize each collocation as you run into it.
Verb + noun
throw a party
take an exam
run a red light
attend a party
join a club

Adjective + noun
firm friends
fine hairs
tall building
high mountain
fast train
quick decision

Verb + adjective + noun
take vigorous exercise
make steady progress

Adverb + verb
strongly suggest
barely see
hardly know

Verb + adverb
rain heavily
sing beautifully
increase significantly
love dearly

Adverb + adjective
utterly amazed
completely useless

Adverb + adjective + noun
totally unacceptable behavior

Verb + preposition
I will deal with this problem

Preposition + noun
She is on the committee.

Adjective + preposition
guilty of
surprised at
happy about

Noun + noun
book review
drug abuse



可是相對的如果我跟別人講:''I made a ''fast'' desicion!'' 誰會相信其實我也已經學了十幾年的英文了呢?這次換他們會呆楞楞的看著我了!

我想我一生可能都會被collocations 'enclose'吧。


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